are you an airbender? airbender are carefree and fun,they also have a deep bond with the spiritual world.they're nomads,monks. they respect the nature and live in harmony with it.they're also the wisest and the ones that lives longer.airbenders are raised to be good people,air is a dangerous element that must be used by sane of spirit people,air is the origin of life with water,it gives life,it can also take it back.the airbenders that turned bad are marked in history as deadly criminals(zaheer).
are you a firebender? firebenders are proud and bold,like their element.they're strong and know when to make themselves heard,but the're also troubled and have a supereriority complex most of the times,people call them harsh but they call theymselves realist.geneally they're neither good or bad people,like the fire,it is good as the sun:helping life,but bad in other forms:destroying life. fire is really the definition of ying and yang where the bender is the on to choose his own balance.
are you a non-bender?non bender are just humans,no capicity or anything,but their the thinkers,most of the time non bender tends to have fine spirit that associate well with the capacities of benders,making the world go round,but this lack of bending can also make trouble, history non benders have been victim of benders conflict and it lead to a movement;the equalist,a group of anarchist that want to take away all bending for "justice" so everyone could be the same
are you a waterbender?waterbenders have a special bound with the spirit world,not as strong as the airbenders but still,they're generous and is important to them.their culture is looked down by others but is rich when you know about it.wtaerbenders are strong;water is a very polyvalent element (and at a certain level) they can reach for the water in the air,making them deadly in a place whit no earth/metal or during an eclipse.they're generally good but bloodbender tend to be evil(learning it intentionally is already bad).water is for me the strongest element.
are you an earthbender? eartbender honest and loyal.earthbending build the muscles but that does'nt mean that all eartbender are buff;the best earthbenders don't look strong they pretty much have a sleeper build(toph,kyoshi,yun)).for earthbender the "good" and the "bad" are chosen by themselves;they habe their own point of view on evrything.the most important thing to them is to protect their family,the stoy of the earth kingdom is full of wars wich developed the protective side or the earthbender,being the ones to protect the non-benders.